1. Baking can be an “in the moment” experience. It is difficult to ruminate over an issue, when one is busy measuring and following directions, while keeping an eye on the clock and the oven.
2. To me, baking can be a relaxing experience.
3. Baking is an opportunity to develop new skills or to work on existing ones.
4. I love that baking can be broken down into many individual disciplines and learning opportunities.
5. I love that I have succeeded in folding egg whites without completely deflating batter.
6. I love that baking is something for which I am passionate enough to make the time to keep trying.
7. Baking is an opportunity to develop intuition for what will work and what won’t.
8. Baking is an opportunity to experiment with different ingredients.
9. Baking is an opportunity to take a favourite recipe and to try to “embellish” it with different flavours.
10. Baking is the closest I will ever get to becoming a scientist, meticulously combining different ingredients and relying on their chemical properties to achieve grand results.
11. I love baking because I know exactly what goes into a recipe.
12. I love baking because I don’t use ingredients that I cannot pronounce.
13. I love baking because of the heavenly aroma of something sweet is in the oven.
14. I love the comforting pleasure when baking aromas take me back in time to when my mother or grandmother prepared a certain recipe.
15. I love baking for the sense of accomplishment when successfully completing a recipe handed down through the generations.
16. Baked goods can be a conversation starter.
17. Baking can be an opportunity to connect with others who enjoy the same passion for baking.
18. Baking can be an opportunity to connect with others who enjoy the same passion for enjoying quality baked goods.
19. Baking can be an opportunity to share quality time with a loved one, when baking together.
20. I love baking for the joy I feel when a recipe turns out well.
21. I love baking when I successfully replicate a flavour from my childhood.
22. I love baking for the gratitude I feel when a recipe turns out well.
23. I love baking for the renewed confidence I feel when a recipe turns out well.
24. I love baking for the determination I feel to try a recipe again (if it flopped the last time).
25. I love baking for the laughter it can bring when the results are not quite as expected.
26. I love baking when I find the tricks for consistent results with a certain recipe.
27. I love baking because you can hide mistakes with icing/frosting. In what other discipline can you do that?
28. I love baking because there is always a new recipe to try.
29. I love baking because it would take several lifetimes to try all of the ingredients the world has to offer.
30. I love baking because there is always room to be innovative.
31. I love baking because of the suspense and the element of surprise when trying a new recipe.
32. I love baking because it can be a patience-building exercise. For precision in the results, you cannot rush through a recipe nor can you speed up its baking time.
33. I love baking because it inspired shows like “The Great British Bake-Off” and “The Great Canadian Baking Show”, which constantly inspire me as a baker.
34. I love that I have been able to sample some friends’ baked goods, from their own family recipes handed down through the generations. It’s another way to connect!
35. I love that a travel experience often requires the sampling of baked delicacies of the host country.
36. I love baking because a simple yet classic chocolate chip or oatmeal cookie can still be an absolute favourite.
37. Home baking is good for the environment in the sense that baked goods weren’t trucked in nor flown in.
38. I love baking because I can choose and control the quality of the raw ingredients and experiment to see if it makes a difference, and if so, how? For example, does an egg from a happy free-range hen yield better cookies?
39. I love how baking is a way of preserving treasured traditions.
40. Even though my allergy to wheat has complicated the baking process, I am most fortunate that I have found recipes and substitutions that have made things a lot easier.
41. I love baking for the satisfaction of creating wheat-free treats that taste amazing and that are a comparable replacement to a version containing gluten.
42. I love baking because wheat-free/gluten-free recipes have significantly improved and evolved over the last decade.
43. Recipes baked in my own kitchen can be less expensive than buying prepared baked goods from the store.
44. I love how many times I have surprised myself at what I was able to accomplish.
45. To bake for extended periods, I need to prepare by doing stretching exercises due to a recurring back issue. So in essence, baking contributes to my physical fitness and flexibility… at least that’s what I keep telling myself.
46. I love baking for the creativity that can go into the process to make something not only tasty but a feast for the eyes too.
47. I love how having an oven that cooks at consistent temperatures as well as the right tools can make all the difference, and make baking a lot of fun.
48. If I had to pick one favourite recipe, it has to be this gluten-free chiffon cake. While many other gluten-free cakes are dense, I am always astounded at how this cake rises to towering heights, resulting in a light and fluffy texture. It is a source of great joy and satisfaction!
Recipe: https://glutenfreebaking.com/gluten-free-chiffon-cake/
49. I love baking because it is one of life’s sweet and simple pleasures
50. And the most obvious reason… baked goods taste amazing!

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