
Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is André Bégin and I live in a rural community outside of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

In 2013, I launched the blog with the intent to use it as a sort of rehearsal space for my creative writing, on my journey toward retirement.

As someone who has been writing steadily since childhood (as my parents often referred to my bedroom as a “fire trap” given all the paper swirling around), the idea of a blog seemed like a no-brainer but was daunting at the same time.

The blog gave me the opportunity to prove to myself that I was able to take everything I learned about writing over the years and to produce creative pieces that were truly from my voice and my point of view.

While I try to keep my posts focused to a few themes like writing, running, pop culture, first time pet ownership, and the recent transition to rural life, I still like to colour outside the lines from time to time to grow as a writer.

What I discovered along the way was that storytelling about common, relatable experiences helps us all in feeling we are not alone in our respective journeys. This is what fuels my sense of purpose every time I sit down to work on the next blog post.

Your generous feedback and comments have become my GPS in helping keep the posts light, entertaining and relevant. For that, I extend my sincere thanks.

About “It’s The Journey”

We are all on journeys, in fact we are all on simultaneous journeys at once. I just decided one day that I didn’t want to keep rushing through all of them, focusing solely on the end result, when there are so many positive experiences in life to savour when we take the time to stop and to be in the moment.

Once I started realizing that each moment leading up to our goals can be just as enriching, just as satisfying and sometimes just as funny as the end result, a paradigm shift happened.

That was when I started appreciating the journey leading up to a goal, as much as reaching the goal itself. That was when my motto started gravitating toward “it’s not the destination, IT’S THE JOURNEY”

Thank you for joining me on on my journey!

André Bégin is a retiree from the public sector, aspiring to make the transition from public servant to screenwriter. André is also an avid reader, an all-around music lover, a theatre buff and long time fan of television.

5 responses to “About Me”

  1. Hi Andre!
    After reaching some of my goals and retirement thus far, I must say I love reading your blogs with that extra time on my hands! I find myself laughing out loud or feeling sympathy for you when needed! Not only have I learned something about you but I also realized that your dream is the same as what Ron’s is … to become a full-fledged author! Ron has always told me that he wanted to write a book. With our past experiences, I’m sure there’s enough for him to write a real good story but I truly hope he’ll pick a different topic! Although he has not started yet, let’s see who gets one published first 🙂

    Good luck in your dreams and I will be reading your blogs and looking for your book signings or screen plays if I/we are still around! You are a great writer with a great personality and I think you would be a great author after you are no longer a Public Servant! This is a way to get your name out there to start but with many hurdles to reach your goals, I honestly can say that I have no doubt that you’ll make this journey work!

    Take care my friend,
    Pam Goulet

    1. Hi Pam,
      Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, your generosity and your kind words, it really means a lot! Thanks for the vote of confidence regarding the future, I sincerely hope that you and Ron get to live out your retirement dreams too. You both deserve the very best.
      You too, take care my friend!
      All the best

  2. Hi Andre,
    You speak to living the moment and taking in the journey along the way leading up to your goal! So true. My retirement is also not so far away (I’m 51), and I’ve been pursuing some mindfulness training / meditation to help put things into better perspective… that “countdown” can be distracting. Too bad the retirement seminar didn’t include this aspect. That’s great what you’re doing with your blog as a lead-up to becoming a writer / author full time. For me, my journey has me following my passion for photography.
    Best wishes, Andre, on your journey – I’ll be staying tuned to your blog.

    1. Hi Robbie,
      Thanks for the comment, it’s great to hear from you!
      You are so right when you say that the countdown can be distracting. But since I latched on to my goal and planned out the baby steps to get there, the countdown is something I now see with eager but calm anticipation of a time when I can do this full time, and working on larger scale projects.

      I assume that you find the same thing with your photography, that you completely lose yourself and lose track of time when you are really into it. To me, that is the sign that you have found your passion and the seedling of an idea for your retirement plan!

      You too, best of luck along your journey!

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