The roller coaster at Gröna Lund, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005.
photo by author

The joy of coming up with a great idea!
The panic of not having a piece of paper or an electronic device to record it.
The fear of losing the great idea.
The hope you’ll remember it.
The sadness when you don’t remember it.
The elation when it comes back.
The delight of being at a computer this time to record it.
The irritation of having to wait for software updates to finish installing.
The annoyance of not finding a pen to record it until the software update installation has completed.
The terror when other things start distracting you.
The relief when the updates are completed.
The peace of mind of finally writing the idea down somewhere… anywhere.
The indecision of whether the idea is good enough as is.
The determination to work through it to make it the best idea ever.
The thrill when the idea fits seamlessly into the project.
The disappointment when it doesn’t.
The resourcefulness to edit it and make it better.
The wisdom to know when to park it and come back another day.
The pleasure when inspiration hits and the idea finally fits.
The satisfaction when the whole project finally comes together.
The jitters of hitting the send button to get the project published.
The anxiety of whether the idea and the project will actually reach out to readers.
The validation resulting from the first retweets, shares or kind comments.
The euphoria when readers actually like the idea.
The amazement when people connect to it in ways you never expected.
The pride when readers laughed at it (in a good way) or felt strong emotion (also, in a good way).
The deep gratitude when an idea really resonated.
The enthusiasm (and slight shock) when someone quotes something you wrote months or years ago.
The humility to not get an inflated ego when things are going your way.
The strength to keep going and not get discouraged when things are not going your way.
The grace to accept the outcome of your project, good or bad, and to sincerely thank those who generously supported your work.
The enlightenment to understand that writing is not a one shot deal, it is a process of evolution and continuous learning.
The resolve and persistence to keep doing it, despite putting yourself through the roller coaster of emotion again and again.

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Have a great day,

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